Autant Page 11
Facklam, Margery, Bees Dance and Whales Sing, Sierra Club Books for Children, San Francisco, 1992.
Gojmerac, W.J., Bees, Bee keeping and Honey, Tutor Press, Toronto, Ontario, 1978 pp42-43
O’Toole, Christopher & Raw Anthony, Bees of the World, Blandford Cassell plc., Wellington House, 125 Strand, London, 1999
Pavord, A.V., Bees and Bee keeping, Cassell and Comp. Ltd., Cassell and Collier MacMillan Publishers Ltd., London 1975
Perlman, Dorothy, The magic of honey, Nash Publishing, Los Angeles, 1971
von Frisch, Karl, Bees their vision, chemical senses and language, Great Seal Books, Cornell University Press, 1963
Dr. Declan Unsworth, for his patience and thoroughness with medical concerns. Thomas Trofimuk for reading an early draft and letting me go off the deep end. Gail Anderson-Dargatz and Donal McLaughlin, for their invaluable help on earlier drafts and never letting me go too far off the deep end. Michael Kenyon for his editorial deftness and for bringing me back home.
Dedicated to mon oncle Arthur André Bussière (June 6, 1941 – August 22, 2014), without whom bigger mistakes would have been made.
For Raymond and André, the best people I know.
What if
the bees leaving
means angels are?
The lucky ones don’t believe in angels.
Author photo by Raymond Blanchette-Dubé
PAULETTE DUBÉ’s first novel, Talon, made the shortlists for the 1999 Canadian Literary Awards, the Alberta Writers’ Guild Best Novel Award (2003), and the Starburst Award (2003). Her poetry has garnered a number of awards.